John Knipe Award
John Knipe Award
The John Knipe Award is awarded annually to a Member Club for an outstanding Community or Charitable Initiative or Project, which promotes or serves charitable/sporting/humanitarian ideals to benefit the community either locally or further afield, and which is also conducted independently of the ClubGRANTS funding process.
In 2015 our Board decided to pay tribute to John Knipe – former Life Member and Patron of our Association – with the naming of a new Award after him.
As well as his 23 year association with Leagues Clubs Australia, John Knipe was one of the pioneers for the Cessnock Leagues Club, working tirelessly from 1972 to get the club up and running, with the club eventually opening in 1980. He was the Club’s long serving manager, as well as Board Member. John also served on the Cessnock City Council. The Board believe this Award is fitting because of John’s dedication and focus on the Cessnock community.