Industry News
Leagues Clubs Australia strives to keep Member Clubs updated with relevant Industry News.
If you have an issue you believe is important to the industry please contact us below and let us know.
LCA held its third QLD CEOs Forum at Gambaro’s Restaurant & Function Centre in Brisbane on 24-25 July, with 24 CEOs in attendance.
The group heard presentations from Clubs Queensland CEO Kelly Egan, Queensland Rugby League CEO Ben Ikin on the current position of Rugby League in QLD, regulatory and government updates from Deputy Director General OLGR Victoria Thomson, Shadow Attorney General Tim Nicholls MP, Monique Bielanowski from Monandia Consulting, and Max Dudley from SEC Newgate Group.
Frank Makryllos presented on Cashless Gaming and Tony Crawford finished the forum with a presentation on benchmarking.
LCA would like to thank all the presenters for their very informative presentations, and the CEOs who attended.
Thank you to everyone who came along to the Gaming & Leadership Conference at the Western Sydney Conference Centre at Penrith in May.