Lifeline Accidental Counsellor Program

25th November 2020

Please click here to find out more regarding this workshop provided by Lifeline. Lifeline are now able to deliver the training via Zoom or Face to Face.

Zoom Delivery – 2 x 2 hour sessions (no more than one week apart).  This is suitable for staff who are participating from their homes.

Face to Face – 1 x 4 hour session requiring a COVID safe venue.

New cost available from now and into 2021: $2,000 per training group with up to 20 participants (a reduced rate as Face to Face is usually $3,000)

Note that Face to Face training will have additional travel costs for Sydney Metro – usually an additional $150 flat fee. For NSW regional areas and Queensland, accommodation may need to be booked for the trainer and any flight or transport costs passed on as part of total cost.